In November 2019 MenLo was proud to host the first Solo Exhibition for Ceramic Sculptor Bao Wei.

“This exhibition presents the works I have completed this year, including the “Nibbling” series that has continued with me from my undergraduate to masters studies at Jingdezhen Ceramic University. The “Cannibalization” series simulates the decay process of chinese traditional wooden building components through depiction in ceramic. It is my reflection on chinese traditional culture in the contemporary context. From the taoist point of view, the "void" and "nothing" of the decaying object is the result of the transformation from a solid to less-than solid state through weathering and erosion. This shift embodies the passage of time. What came before the "nothing" is lost, or remains as an invisible force. That force as it exists in relation to our culture remains in our blood, giving some continuation to our ancient way of thinking and ways of life. That passage of time, and material lost, are what I focus on when making this work.” - Bao Wei

包伟,(Baowei )
1995年生于中国广西省钦州(China, Guangxi province),景德镇市美术家协会会员( Member of Jingdezhen Artists Association )
2017年毕业于景德镇陶瓷大学陶艺专业,获学士学位( Graduated from Jingdezhen Ceramic University with a BFA
现研究生在读于景德镇陶瓷大学艺术专业 陶瓷装饰设计方向( Currently Persuing an MFA at Jingdezhen Ceramic University )